Shop of the Swiss Army Museum Society SAMS


In order to achieve its objectives and render a service to its members and other interested persons and organisations, the Swiss Army Musem Societs (SAMS) operates a shop for the sale of military badges and books.

The SAMS has been authorized by the Department of Defence Civil Protection and Sports (DDPS) to sell badges of the Swiss Armed Forces, which are no longer in use, to persons and organisations. Excluded are current badges still in use for which the sale is expressly prohibited. These badges are sold exclusively for collecting purposes  and may not be worn on current uniforms. The buyer undertakes to meet this requirement. If it is found that a buyer sells the purchased batches in a commercial manner, he can be deleted from the list of recipients.

The SAMS operates an organisation publishing works on military history and military technology. Moreover the sales program includes books from other publishers covering similar topics.

In additionj the SAMS operates a second-hand bookshop selling used books and regulations.

The premises of the SAMS shop are located in the courtyard of the old horse stables (Pferderegie) in Thun.



Selling modes


The sale of objects from the range of the SAMS shop takes place as follows:

  • via the existing internet platform (online shop, access via left column under product search or product categories),
  • exceptionally with a written order. The comprehensive catalogue of available articles can be downloaded here. Due its scope of almost 400 pages we recommend to print only individual pages. Download ,
  • at SAMS events or events in which the SAMS takes part,
  • via direct sales in the shop, but only in exceptional cases after previous agreement.


SAMS members will get a 10% discount on the purchase of badges and regulations.




Sales organisation


The shop is managed by Mrs Florence Balmer.



Florence Balmer

Florence Balmer


The persons in the SAMS executive board responsible for the shop and its operation are:



Henri Habegger

Henri Habegger

For all shop issues.



Adrian Muther

Adrian Muther






Postal address:           Verein Schweizer Armeemuseum, 3600 Thun
E-Mail for orders: 
Tel. Shop:       079 475 85 32 (if not available: 079 415 11 67)

Terms of delivery


The delivery of ordered objects is subject to the following conditions:

  • All prices always apply per unit of the articles. In case of material sold by the meter they apply per mete
  • Orders can only be filled if the respective objects are still in stock. There is no right to delivery.
  • For reasons of inventory deliveries can be cut.
  • If the same badges have already been purchased by the orderer, the order can be cancelled or cut.
  • Domestic delivery usually within 2 weeks.
  • For deliveries abroad the time of delivery depends on the agreed mode of dispatch.

The packing and shipping costs depend on the respective expenditure (weight / size / requested mode of dispatch) and are identified separately on the invoice.




For the payment of the invoiced amount the following regulations apply:

  • Domestic delivery usually with invoice and pay-in slip.
    For important reasosn an advance payment may be requested.
  • Foreign deliveries usually against advance payment with SEPA or – if agreed upon – with PayPal.


Costs for postage and dispatch within Switzerland in Swiss Francs


Brief C5, A-Post                            4.–

Grossbrief bis 1 kg, A-Post          8.–

Paket bis bis 2 kg, Economy       12.-       Zuschlag für Priority: 2.50

Paket >2 bis 10 kg,Economy      15.–      Zuschlag für Priority: 2.50

Militärsendung bis 5 kg               7.–         Schwerere Sendungen Aufteilung in Pakete < 5 kg